Kiyomi Anniversary!
This year is our 2nd year anniversary which is on 23rd April (23.4 mmg cantik la nombor. pd hal mse kawin pilih tarikh tu sbb nk make sure dekat2 dgn public holiday supaya x yah cuti rehat lama2.hee..). Our anniversary is on tuesday this week. Unfortunately, my hubbee was oncall this one whole week (sob..sob..tak jumpa hubbee seminggu..uwaa..). This is not how we wish to spend our time on our anniversary. So i decided to surprise my hubbee without jeopardising his job. Just a simple gesture to light him up in between his busy schedule.Prior to this week, me & hubbee just came to know about this kiyomi that went viral. So we've been watching a few of kiyomi videos. Some are adorably cute and some are hilariously funny (ok why am i being redundant?). Then my hubbee begged me to do kiyomi too. I've been avoiding it by stalling & saying that i didn't know the steps. But the truth is i don't wanna do it coz kiyomi/ cute song will only look cute when done by very cute people (geddit?hee..). However, being apart from hubbee suddenly motivates me to do a kiyomi video as a gift for him. So the day before our anniversary, i recorded my own version of kiyomi video. Mind u though, i still don't know the steps.
So i thought that wearing sunglasses will not only make me look cool but it will also cover my eyes that is obviously not looking at the camera (takot kantoi la kunun yg sebenarnya tgh tiru video kiyomi org lain kat ipad.hahaa..). But in the end it just made look like mak datin diva. hahahaa... (dah la pergerakan kiyomi ku slow.hahahaa...).
Then on our anniversary night, i bought kenny rogers (take away/ tapau) & we ate together at his work place. After that, when i showed my kiyomi video my hubbee immediately burst out laughing & having a hard time to stop laughing too. But overall he was overwhelmed & grateful for what i've done & i'm glad he feels that way (padahal video tu biasa je. dah la tergelak dlm video tu sbb tersilap step2 jari jemari tu. hee... kalau tak percaya cuba tengok video tu kt bawah ni. but i did it just for hubbee & for fun.).
Bagus la... sentiasa mengembirakan hati suami.. dapat pahala tak kisah la Kiyomi sekali pun kan :D