Movie Madness

Saturday, March 23, 2013 Mrs Ismail 0 Comments

This past few days we've been falling into the habit of watching movies at home while having dinner or after dinner. Maybe we're just to tired to go out after working hard during the day or maybe coz we just bought some DVDs at Speedy store, Alamanda recently.hee.. I bought 2 old movies ('Forrest Gump' & 'Shutter Island') coz they have promotion from as low as RM9.90 per DVD while my hubbee bought 2 current movies, 'CZ12' (chinese movie featuring Jackie Chan) & 'Husin, Mon & Jin Pakai Toncit' (malay's most anticipated comedy featuring Awie. Unfortunately the storyline & ridiculousness of this movie was a letdown compared to the previous sequel 'Hantu Kak Limah Balik Kampung' & 'Zombie Kampung Pisang').

Anyway, the 1st time i watched Forrest Gump i was way too young to remember it & let alone understand it. But watching it again a few days ago reminded me that in those days most movies are motivational & full with moral values & inspirations. sometimes even the simplest plot can win viewer's heart & landed the movie with numerous awards. whereas nowadays successful movies are determined with the amazing technology & action packed thrillers (sampai bole kena heart attack dlm wayang.hee..).

So u young fellas never even heard of this movie eh? ok, u just make me feel old. i mean come on.. Tom Hanks won an oscar for his character as Forrest Gump in this movie. u should at least give this movie some credit by trying to at least watch it. It is gonna be aired on TV2 i think. i thought i saw the ads on tv last night. so if u've got the chance to watch it, don't forget to tell me what u think ait. It is said that this movie is a 1994 American epic romantic comedy-drama film based on the 1986 (me & hubbee's birth year.hee..) novel of the same name by Winston Groom. To me it's not just any typical kind of romantic comedy but what makes it funny is the spontaneity of a naive & slow-witted yet athletic Forrest Gump who witnesses or experiences & in some cases influences (in 1996, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company opened a themed restaurant based on this movie ok..betapa powernya movie ni.hee..) some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States. even the scene where he joins the vietnam war seems worries. i'm not gonna spoil it all for u by telling u about the whole movie plot. u're gonna have to watch it urself then u'll get what i mean. just gonna show the picture of the movie poster to excite u ols.hee..

hope u enjoy this movie too ;)
Fav quote: "life's a box of chocolates.u'll never know what u're gonna get"

Quote i don't understand: "stupid is what stupid does" (what the fish?)

Fav scene: Everytime Forrest Gump makes a conversation & everytime his army friend Bubba talks about shrimps.hahaa...

Nice surprise: a very young Haley Joel Osment in this cute but no one knew in 1994, that he would be famous in The Sixth Sense one day.

Artsy but insignificant: The floating feather at the beginning & the end of the movie.